12 April 2012

natural detox strategies

The term “detoxification” was first coined in the 1930s, when it was originally seen as a way to help alcoholics/drug addicts to cleanse the body. These days, we use the term to include nutritional changes, social influences (i.e., getting rid of "toxic" relationships), and treatments like body wrapping, saunas, and even energetic medicine like reiki and chakra clearing.

Spring is the traditional time for deep cleaning--not only our homes, but our bodies.  The ancient Egyptians (and later, the Greeks) were the first to write about detoxification, but many of the same principles and practices they identified have similarities and overlap with other traditional practices, including Unani in the Middle East, Ayurveda in India and Nepal, traditional Chinese medicine, and indigenous healing practices of Africa, the Caribbean, and South America.

If you're interested in detoxing this spring, there are many simple and gentle ways to go about it.  The ideas below are intended to gently strengthen the body's natural detoxification and elimination systems. (Most of us in Western and modern cultures are too nutritionally depleted for more drastic strategies to benefit us.)  

Eat your vegetables!  Vegetables are astringent, constricting mucus membranes and exposed tissue and making them less susceptible to being infiltrated by toxic substances.

Add lemon to your water.  Lemons are astringent, naturally antiseptic, high in vitamin C, and aid digestion, which in turn protects the liver from overwork and toxic buildup.  Try a glass of water with the juice of 1/2 a lemon (or more) in the morning and evening.

Bulk up! The fiber in vegetables, oats (and other whole grains), and flaxseed serve as a bulking agents which helps keep the colon clean via healthy elimination. 

Try dandelion greens.  Dandelion leaves are traditionally eaten in the spring in salads or as cooked greens in both Europe and North America as a spring cleansing food.  They are mineral-rich and are both diuretic (increasing urine flow for more effective detoxification) and bitter, which stimulates the liver to produce detoxifying bile.  Purchase in season at farmer’s markets and at natural grocery stores, or you might want to harvest them yourself.  If you do, be sure to only pick them in areas that you know for sure are pesticide-free.  If you find them too bitter on their own, add to salads or sauté with other greens.

Eat more garlic.  Garlic boosts overall antioxidant levels, is anti-inflammatory, and stimulates the lungs to clear the bronchial passages and lungs of toxins.

Green tea is a great detoxifier, activating mechanisms in the liver that can eliminate chemical toxins from the body more easily.

Milk thistle seed has an affinity for the liver and is great for detoxification, especially from alcohol.

Dandelion is also great for the liver, a gentle detoxifying agent with roots that act as a probiotic, so it’s also good for digestive health and elimination.

Turmeric—a primary ingredient in curry--protects the liver from toxic damage from chemicals (and other excesses, including alcohol and recreational drugs)

Licorice restores the integrity of the liver’s tissue, so that it is able to self-repair and work more efficiently.

Sweat more!  Exercise regularly, use the sauna or steam room at the gym, and be sure to drink adequate amounts of water to rehydrate.

Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!  Emollients protect the skin, which in turn protects the body against toxins.

Practice deep breathing (which helps us to efficiently process CO2), meditation, silence, and/or prayer.  Extreme stress weakens the immune system and kills off healthy bacteria in the body that support natural detoxification.

Avoid antibiotics; if necessary, supplement with probiotics to restore gut flora balance.

Avoid harmful chemicals and reduce toxic exposure (including exposure to radiation and electromagnetic fields) whenever possible.                                                                               

A detoxified, healthy, and well-functioning body is everyone's birthright!  If you'd like more personalized guidance on detoxing or to structure a cleansing plan specific to your needs, contact me for a consultation at 301-357-4457 or herbalist@ayongozi.com.


  1. This is a great detox strategy. Actually, my secret for an effective detox is by taking chlorella supplement. It is really effective for me.

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